Monday, April 30, 2012

Chapter 7

Okay, I know it's been a really long time since I updated. My apologies. This chapter isn't going to be that long just enough to feed you & wrap the previous chapter up. Comment and enjoy okay :)

Nicki and Safaree were double checking everything. Making sure Nicki's schedule was absolutely clear and they have everything needed for the sleepover. Nicki had never spent the night with any of her barbz before and was a little nervous. She didn't know what tonight would bring or what would happen but she was hoping for the best.

Nicki: "my schedule is absolutely clear, nothing will come up? Because I'd hate to disappoint the girls."

Safaree: " you good I checked all calendars & even called Martin, your clear Nicki"

and with that Nicki and Safaree changed their clothes. Nicki put a plain black & white adidas track suit with a white v neck T & matching shell toes. Since the girls had already seen her with out her wig & make up Nicki didn't bother to change it. she combed her ponytail into a messy bun & applied a clear lipgloss. She did a final "bad bitch check" before putting on her big jet black sunglasses. Safaree complemented Nicki by wearing a light grey Adidas track suit, a grey customized fitted he got as a gift & some Griffy Max 1's (grey). He knew he couldn't be flashy so he left all jewelry off. They were both ready & excited Safaree grabbed their over night bags & headed to the hotel.

at Target...

the girls were spazzing because they were about to have an actual sleepover with Nicki and Safaree. They arrived to Target and went straight to the movie section. They didn't want to only get movies for them & Nicki so they looked for some action movies. After 20 minutes in the movie section the girls ended up picking "The Devil Wears Prada" "Salt" and "Canible" after they were confident in their movie selection they headed over to the snack aisles. the got a case of Strawberry Kiwi Snapples, Reece's, cranberry & almonds, gushers, popcorn, fruit roll ups, & 3 big bags if variety Lays chips.

Janay: "oh we should get some bottles of water, you know how Nicki is about her water"

Talisa: "we don't need a case let's get some out if the lil fridge things by check out"

the girls agreed.

Ebony: "yo I need a floppy hat to wear with my dress tomorrow and the iHome speakers so we can play our music, go ahead to check out & I'll meet y'all there."

Ronella: "imma walk with you I forget to bring some socks to walk around in & I need some" let me call the cabs so they'll be outside when we're done.

By this time all the girls needed something so they all just went back into the store aisles picking up what they forgot at home. After 15 more minute the girls were out & headed back to the hotel. On the ride home Nicki text Ebony and told her they were in the room in their pajamas waiting for them & to hurry up. Ebony laughed and told Nicki they'd be there soon and to calm her tits.

Back at the hotel...

Nicki: "all I need for the night is my charger & laptop. my hair is already wrapped so if I doze off I'm good."

Safaree: "aite let me go put our bags in our room & I'll be right back."

Nicki sat in the middle of the bed Indian style and turned the TV on. She began flipping threw channels seeing nothing was on, she settled with watching "Sponge Bob." it was the episode when Sponge Bob & Patrick went camping. Nicki was trying so hard to keep up with the campfire song and was failing miserably and was cracking herself up unleashing her loud holler/scream laugh. The girls were walking down the hall & could hear Nicki's cackle which made them laugh. The girls walked in the room to find Nicki on her back cracking up laughing.

Dee: "really, is this what you do, imma need you to hush"

Nicki sat straight up & gave her the -_- face.

Ebony: "so you're just gonna sit there while we struggle with all these bags and you can't help?"

Talisa:"I mean"

Janay: "Nicki if you don't come grab a bag"

Nicki grabbed the room key out of Ebony's hand & sat back down.

Nicki: "da kid a guest I ain't helping with shit .. ya dig" Nicki said in her "hood voice".

They all gave Nicki the -_- face which made Nicki die of laughter. Just then Safaree walked up & grabbed some bags out of the girls hands.

girls: "thank you Safaree"

Safaree sat the bags on the beds & the girls followed suit. Nicki walked over and started looking threw the bags

They left a few more bags in the cab so they had to go back to get the rest.. the phone rang & Nicki answered the phone in her "British" accent. the front desk told her their delivery has been sitting & to come pick it up. Nicki called Ebony and told her to get it in her way back up. The delivery was 2 dozen red velvet cup cakes. After the girls settled and changed their clothes they made small talk with Nicki and Safaree.

Ronella: "a yo dad, why you got all them tattoo's?"

Safaree: " because I'm a coon, coons are tatted" Safaree started flexing. Nicki popped Safaree on top of his head ... "Wut tip big dawg" the room fell out in laughter

Janay: "Ebony get your big head out Nicki lap acting like a baby"

Ebony: "Mind your business bitch" and stuck her tongue out at her.

Nicki popped Ebony.

Nicki: "don't be cursing"

Ebony popped Nicki back

Ebony: "you're not the boss of me Onika" Nicki's eyes bucked open & she started playfully smacking Ebony & ranting. The girls were pumping Nicki up yelling "get her Nicki, beat her her ass ... beat her ass" Ebony started play crying & Nicki stopped

Nicki:"oh you wanna cry now huh? yu big baby" Nicki kissed Ebony on the cheek & said sorry. The girls -_- faced them.

Safaree: "aite let's watch a movie what y'all buy"

Talisa passed Safaree the DVD's and sat next to Nicki on the bed.

Dee:"let's watch "Devil Wears Prada" 1st because we all know Nicki about to be sleep then the other ones

Nicki threw a pillow at Dee that popped her in the face. Dee threw it back & hit Ronella by accident

Ronella:"damn Dee you can't throw for shit!"

Ronella laid on the bed & laid on Talisa's lap the way Ebony was laying on Nicki. Janay and Dee laid across the bottom of the bed head to toe while Safaree sat on the opposite bed stretched out like a king.

Safaree: "y'all want something to drink"

Everyone said No except for Nicki. She asked for a water & the cranberry & almonds. Safaree got them for her.. Half way threw the movie Ebony and Nicki fell asleep. Talisa made a plan to tooth paste them & take pictures. Janay & Dee got up making sure to not make much noise or wake them. So did Talisa & Ronella. Janay grabbed her whip cream she got to go with her strawberries. Safaree grabbed the tooth paste from the bathroom Dee grabbed Ebony's phone and was standing a little distance to get the perfect shots. Safaree toothpaste'd mustaches on them. Dee took pictures. Janay & Talisa put whip cream in their hands. Dee took more pictures. Ronella & Safaree took their phone cords and rubbed gently on their faces. Dee took more pictures. The snickering was extremely loud & they wondered how Nicki & Ebony were still sleeping. Ronella & Safaree continued to slide the chargers across Nicki & Ebony's face. At the same time Ebony & Nicki rubbed their faces smearing the whip cream all over. The room filled with loud hysterical laughing. Nicki & Ebony both woke up mad. Nicki jumped on Safaree's back so fast & was smearing what was left all over him. Ebony grabbed Ronella & threw her in the bed and did the same. The other girls were laughing at the fight that was going in.

Nicki: "you fucking cock"
Safaree was spazzing trying to get Nicki off his back but Nicki had a kung foo grip & was not letting up

Ebony: "what the fuck is wrong with you" ebony asked threw the struggle if trying to suffocate Ronella with the pillow.

The girls helped pull them off of each other & told them to calm down. They looked at each other and looked in amazement at how the mess was only on each others face. Nicki, Safaree, Ebony and Ronella all washed their faces and settled back down. The room filled with laughter at what had just happened.

Safaree: "what are we doing tomorrow?"

Talisa:"I don't know, I think we're going to see the movie star "stars" and the Hollywood sign" she looked at Ebony

Ebony: "yeaa I think I don't know I just want to have fun"

Safaree: "that's it .. man we gotta do something bananas"

Nicki: "Safaree shut up"

Janay:" let's go sky diving"

Nicki's eyes bucked open

Nicki:"oh hiiiiiil nawww" think of something else

Dee:" what about zip lining"

Safaree got excited ... "yeaa"

Nicki: " uhmm okay we can check that out"

Ronella: "that seem like fun, we in there"

Nicki gave Ronella a crazy look then busted out laughing.

Ebony:"I wanna get my tattoo while I'm out here"

Janay and Talisa agreed

Safaree: "what y'all getting I might get one too"

The girls squealed in excitement. They talked a little more about the next day's plans until they had everything planned out to the T. The girls were heavy into their phones texting & tweeting about their day leaving out Nicki & Safaree. Nicki and Safaree were lurking. Nobody was saying anything about what was going on. Janay looked up & saw Nicki and Safaree silently giggling into their phone. Ebony looked up and saw them side eyeing each other. She started a group chat w/the girls

Look at Onikafaree being great!

awww they think we can't see them

I'm sad they're not tweeting but are being keyboard warriors awww

We hip tho

They probably being nasty ;)

Nicki caught the girls constantly laughing and typing but didn't see them when she checked her TL

in group chat ..

Imma snatch her phone & throw it to you Talisa but before I do, the rest of y'all go in the bathroom me & Talisa are gonna run in lol

Okay imma snatch Safaree phone, FOH lls

Aite how will we know when to start

imma cough & walk in the bathroom when I do that you & Janay count to 10 them come in

The girls had their plan & was ready to play. Janay started small talk to get the room back to normal. It was 3 in the morning & they were all laughing and having a good time. 10 minutes later Dee coughed then excused herself.

Ronella:"come on Nay let's go take pictures"

Janay: "ok"

Ebony: "that's all y'all do is take pictures gawd!"

Janay:"shut up"

They walked into the bathroom. Nicki and Safaree both had their phones laying on the bed. Talisa got up and walked towards the snacks and grabbed a reece's she gave Ebony a look & in one swift motion they snatched the phones and booked it to the bathroom! dee quickly locked the door.

Nicki: "barbz what the hell is going on"

Ebony: "phone check fool"

They all fell out in laughter. Safaree didn't care. He grabbed him a bottle of water and a pack of gushers, sat back and watched.

Nicki:"Barbz imma punch all of y'all dead in y'all face if I don't get my phone"

Janay:"you ain't gon do shiiiiiiiiit"

They all fell out in laughter again

Nicki:"who said that Zhanay?" wait till this door get open, your the first to get popped"

Talisa:"womp with your liddo ass, who you gon pop Nicki?"

Nicki was now laughing.

Nicki:"okay watch you are all getting exiled ... EXILED EXILED EXILED"

Dee:"what you won't do is that"

Nicki laughed really hard. Safaree whispered to Nicki to come to him.

Safaree:"you know the rooms connect threw the bathroom and if you go outside you can get into the other room"

Nicki's eyes bucked open. She began searching for the room key. She found the keys to room "402" & snuck out

Ronella:"Nicki why you quiet"

Safaree:"she's out here doing some pout like a 2 year old" HA! he did his obnoxious laugh

Ronella:"aww Eb she doing your pout""

Ebony:"awwww i wanna see I live for her pouts"

Janay:"so what this is war don't open that door"

As they all were yelling at Ebony about not opening the door Nicki had crept into the other suit.

Ebony:"alright damn"

Just as the bathroom settled Nicki opened the bathroom door quietly. they didn't even notice her standing there with their back to her. Nicki flicked the bathroom light off & yelled HA! they all jumped & ran after Nicki. Nicki ran out the room & back into the other. The girls weren't fast enough to catch her.

Since they didn't have any room keys they were locked out.

Ebony:"open the door Onika"

Nicki: (in her British accent) there's no Onika here, you have the wrong room darling

Ebony:"stop the shit and open up PAUZ"

Nicki:"can i have my phone"


Nicki: (in her "hood voice) "well yu ain't getting in lil nigga"

Ronella:"STFU Talisa, yu can have your phone back Nicki"

Ebony slid it under the door

Nicki:"and Safaree's"

Talisa slid Safaree's phone under the door

Nicki:"what's the password lil lady"

Dee:"open this door before we have problems Onika"

Nicki:"oh hill naww y'all sleeping in the hall tonight"

Ebony:"Nicki pleaaaaaae I'm tired I just want to sleep, I'm sorry"

Nicki:"okay Ebony is the only one with sense she can come in. As you all come to your senses you can come back in too. Imma let you in Ebony tell the girls to stand in front of the other room"

The girls complied and Ebony was let in.

Nicki:"if you want to rejoin the party you must complete a task. As of now you are all in Barbie detention"


okay this was a short chapter but it'll be 2 more chapters like this and then an interlude. After that I'll bring some drama and MAYBE some steamy scenes *side eye* who knows COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT!!!


  1. Aaaaawwww, they cute. Tryna play my HB, she got theme back good and yes we need drama and steam

  2. This was so sweeet. LMAO at them hiding from Nic in the bathroom and then Nicki not letting them in. LOL "EXCILED EXCILED EXCILED." she so funny. Great chap, post soon


  4. LMAOOOOOOO this was mad cute!! Exiled! Exiled! Exiled! Lmaooo good chapter :)

  5. lmaoo this was cute. Not them pranking Nic tho lol. I'm glad u posted, post soon!
