Monday, January 30, 2012


This is NOT real. This is my attempt at Onikafaree fiction. I hope you like it, COMMENT that will determine if i continue to post! welll i guess that's it i hope you like it!


Safaree & Nicki were both sweating & breathing heavy. Safaree was sick of the blatant disrespect Nicki displayed on the regular basis, thus was the last straw. it been quiet for a while & Nicki broke the awkward silence. "what am i suppose to do Safaree, i'm an entertainer!" "ENTERTAIN! why do you have to be so extra all the fucking time & especially with that Nigga Nicki ... you know i don't like him!" Safaree said getting angrier by the second. "i don't know why you get so jealous every time we're together, you know i see him as a brother & nothing more" Nicki said walking closer to him placing her hand on the side of his face. Safaree quickly moved it while walking around her. It wasn't that he didn't trust Nicki it was Drake! Drake was a big yellow cornball wrapped in extra! Every time Drake & Nicki performed together they would be so extra & it was really pissing Safaree off. He turned around to face her "Nic i know he's your lable mate & like a brother to you but how much can i take? Last night was too much! it's taking everything in me not to lay hands on him!" Nicki lowered her head, twiddling her thumbs as Safaree continued. "Nic i felt disrespected ... the lap dance didn't phase me but the way you ended the show felt like a big "Fuck You!" tears started to form in Nicki's eyes "you fucking JUMPED in his arms & wrapped yur legs around him Nicki, that was too fucking much! Suppose i let a bitch be all up on me, sitting on my lap because we're "not together" you'd have a fucking fit!" Safaree was now yelling & in her face. Nicki wiped her tears that starting escaping her eyes & pushed Safaree "get out my face Safaree, you know i don't like him like that FUCK YOU!" she was furious she couldn't believe he was acting the way he was. "i'm a fucking entertainer thats what the fuck i do! You knew what you were getting into before all of this jumped off! What the fuck you tripping for?!" Safaree's eyes bucked wide open, he couldn't believe what she just said. "So what are you saying Onika?" Nicki picked up her phone & opened her Twitter app "Are you telling me that if i want to be with you, i have to accept this disrespect because you're an "entertainer?" she ignored him & proceeded to tweet @NICKIMINAJ BARBZ!!!!!!

She continued to ignore him she was sone with the conversation. She watched her mentions fill will "Onikas, Nicki's & imy's" she loved her barbz they always made her feel better. She went to RT someone when her phone was snatched & thrown across the room. She gave Safaree the "WTF" look " are you fucking crazy?!?! Don't be snatching shit out my hand!" Safaree didn't care. She was going to talk. "Answer me Onika" making her jump. She rolled her eyes & folded her arms. "What do you want me to say Safaree?! .... you know what it is & if you're sitting here questioning US! You're a damn fool!" & with that she walked away from him. Safaree was beyond pissed! he brushed passed her slammed the door & pinned her to it. Safaree had a look of death in his eyes & Nic took notice. Safaree was breathing heavy & his pupils were dilated taking over most of the white. he spoke slow & low "the disrespect you keep throwing my way, stops ... now" Safaree's jamaican accent was starting to become more distinct & Nicki knew he wasn't playing. He let her go & sat on the edge if the bed with his head in his hands. Nicki slid down the door pulling her knee's into to her chest & cried silently into them. Safaree pulled out his phone & decided to tweet

@SCAFFBEEZY: "when you've had enough"

His TL filled with "OMG's & What's wrong's" he didn't reply he just lurked. Nicki's nose was running so she decided to go clean herself up in the bathroom. Safaree was about to put his phone away until he seen a tweet with a link. it said "she nibbled his ear! Dricki >>>>> OhshittyFaree" Safaree was torn not knowing if he should watch it or not .... he heard the shower running & decided to watch. he lowered the volume on his iPhone & watched in disbelief. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. He kept replaying that ONE part that made his heart drop & his blood boil. He looked at the bathroom with disgust & hurt in his eyes. Safaree turned the video off & sat in silence. Nicki walked out & found Safaree in the same spot she left him "Safaree i'm i'm Sorr" he looked at her with hurt & hate in his eyes. Before she could finish he grabbed her Mac & opened it. Nicki had a confused look on her face. He found the link & opened it up. He faced the computer towards her. Nicki sat in the edge of the bed & watched with a confused face. Safaree began packing. She kept darting from the computer to Safaree. She tried to speak but he gave her a look & said "watch this part you wouldn't want to miss it" she turned her attention back to the screen. Safaree unplugged his charger & threw it in his LV duffle. She watched in disbelief at her nibbling on Drakes ear. she threw her hands over her mouth in disbelief. "what a way to entertain" & with that Safaree was out the door. Nicki hopped up to chase after him but her towel fell. She threw on Safaree's boxers & T with her uggz & chased him. she heard the garage door open & stood on the other side of it full fledge crying. Safaree stopped the car "Move Onika" "Faree baby i'm so sorry i don't know what i was thinking" safaree didn't speak. He simply yelled MOVE! practically scaring her half to death "Faree please come back in & talk, you don't need to be driving while you're this upset" "Oh NOW you care? where was the consideration for my feelings when you dis what you did? EXACTLY! miss me with all that Onika" Nicki dropped to her knee's & cried harder. Safaree felt bad for saying what he said. He put the car in park & helped her up. She hugged Him tight & cried into his chest. He led her to the door that lead to the house. She walked up one step & turned around to him just standing there. Nicki felt bad & started to rant, rave & apologize. During her rant Safaree was in his own world until Nicki snapped him back to reality calling his name. "did you hear me Faree?" Safaree walked closer to her & she smiled. He planted a kiss on her forehead & then hugged her tight. they released each other looking dead into each others eyes. " i hear you Nicki ... but your apology ... is NOT enough" & with that he hopped in the car & pulled off. Nicki couldn't believe what just happened .. the tears fell instantly ... she felt her heart fall in her stomach & it pulled her to the ground with it.

----- TO BE CONTINUED ....... Maybe!------Soooo what do you think?! BE COMPLETELY HONEST!! YOU detemine if this story continues. This is just a pre view. COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT & thanks for reading


  1. yas!!! i love this!! i got to tell the team about this story omg i was about to cry it felt so wierd!!! but what goes on in toronto should stay in toronto smh!!! that fucked up they relationship! like wtf!! i hope they get better. and shout out to you new writer!! you bomb!

  2. YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS I need more! I literally had tears in my eyes and NO story has EVA!! Like I need you to post PRONTO chica!!! Like i'm so glad he didn't give into her, she gone learn today * Kevin Hart voice* So yeah chapter tomorrow?? OK, cool! Great start! No Bullshit!


  4. I love it already, Safaree had to teach Nicki a lesson, anywho post soon you have me hooked and that was just a snippet.

  5. WTF????? YES! CONTINUE. this is good. i need to know what happens next. they need to work this out. Nicki needs to take is feelings into consideration. yep, thats it. post soon.

  6. yooooo continue itttttttt like i loveee ittttt and i dont say that about many :)) cant wait to see where you take this story <3

  7. omgosh pls continue! I wanna see where this story go like Muny! Love it!

  8. admvrkjbnaetlbnasidbanebo;n OMFG THIS RITE HERE IS SOMETHING SERIOUS
    *Read next chapter

