Sunday, February 26, 2012

Chapter 6

okay you guy's. i know it takes me for ever and a day to post, i'm sorry. i have a kind of busy schedule. forgive me? ANY SLUT. What do you guys think about me making this a "Happy" story. No drama just love. let me know. COMMENT and Enjoy! ^_^

"yooo Janay, where is the "Ruby Tuesday's" at?"

"i don't know Ebony, i'm not from here just like you!" Janay said getting a little irritated. They were all hungry, and just arrived in LA.They were on a 5 hour flight for D.C and refused all food on the flight. As soon as they landed they went to the hotel, freshened up and headed out to find something to eat. Team MinajDC were in LA for Ebony's birthday.

"yo there it go over there!" Talisa yelled from the back seat. "Nay you see it?!"

"yea but i think you should be telling the driver that"

"excuse me sir, you can let us out right here" Ronella stated tapping the driver on the shoulder. They paid their fare, hopped out the cab and walked over to the restaurant . They were excited to be in LA, and even more excited to be out there together.

"First night in LA LET'S GET IT POPPING! I'm about to get so wasted" Ebony yelled scaring a couple of people walking by. They walked in to "Ruby Tuesday's" & were quickly seated. They ordered there food, had a couple drinks, and were now sitting in the restaurant enjoying each others company.

"son, can you believe we're in LA" Talisa said sipping her drink

"i know right" Janay said a little too giddy, feeling the effects of her 3 drinks.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY EBONY" they all yelled in unison.
Just like every other time they got together they started playing Nicki music and spazzing out to th fullest. The part of the restaurant they were sitting in was empty so the noise they were making didn't bother anyone. Janay put "Turn Me On" on and they went crazy.

-across the restaurant-

"Safaree what do you keep looking around for?"

"you don't hear that?"


"listen" Nicki put down her menu and strained to hear what ever Safaree was so hung up on. Nicki's eyes bucked

"it can't be" Nicki said in a hushed tone as a slight smile crept across her face

Safaree said as he smiled a big dumb smile. Skylar set their drinks down and Safaree pointed to the shrimp fondue and hot wings and mouthed "appetizer" to her, she nodded her head and went to place the order.

"Let's go see where it's coming from" Safaree said grabbing Nicki's wrist. Before they could away Skylar walked over.

"are you ready to order your meal"

"we're going to wash our hands" Nicki lied. "don't let anybody steal our table we'll be right back Chinky Sky" with that they sped off. As they got closer so did the noise. They slowed down their walking pace and peaked around the corner. They spotted where the noise was coming from and it suddenly got quiet. They felt they were being watched. Nicki's eyes bucked wide open & her jaw dropped. TMDC turned around in shock. Dee was the first to speak


Nicki eyes bucked open and she ran over to them "shushing" them in the process.

"Barbz no, i'm undercover. Don't call me that."

"okay Buttercup! what should we call you then?' Nicki did her "hmm thinks face" which caused everybody to laugh. the girls noticed Nicki had on NO make-up and were now staring at her, Nicki had on no make up. just her lip-gloss which wasn't that shiny. the were marveling at her natural beauty. they couldn't believe they were looking at Onika. Nicki didn't realize they were staring at her until Safaree walked over making his presence known.

"OH, so y'all don't see the coon standing here? what am i invisible? wut tip?"

"Safaree SIT" laughter filled the air. what are you guys doing all the way out here? Nicki looked at Safaree, searching his face for an answer.

"Safaree, do i have a performance or appearance you or Martin forgot to tell me about? Ebony answered for Safaree.

" No it's my birthday, and i wanted to spend it out here with my girls." Nicki's eyed bucked open

"It is?"

"yeaa, but it's tomorrow"

"really, how old are you turning Eb" Ebony scrunched her face & flipped her curls

"a lady never tells" Nicki smushed Ebony in her face. Nicki, Safaree and the girls sat and chit chatted for a little while until Skylar walked up.

"Ms. Smith would you like for me to bring your drinks and food over to this table?" Nicki nodded her head yes and Skylar brought there food over to where they were sitting. Nicki and Safaree ate there food while holding conversations with the girls.

"so what are you guys doing this weekend?" Nicki asked while stuffing her face with one of Safaree's chicken wings.

"i don't know nothing is set in stone. we're just going to go with the flow. maybe a little sit seeing, shopping. i don't know" Nicki looked at Safaree and he already knew what she was thinking.

"what hotel are you guys staying at?"

 "The Hollywood Roosevelt"

okay Safaree, book us a room" the girls looked around at each other then back at Nicki & Safaree.

"wait, y'all .. together .. like y'all two?" Janay said giving Nicki the eye. Nicki's jaw dropped and side eyed Janay to death.  Nicki told Safaree to go somewhere quiet while on the phone.

"what floor are you guys on?"

"the suites on the 7th floor"


Nicki told Safaree to try to get a room right next to the Barbz.

"Nick, we have a suite. it's two rooms with double beds. if you want one room you can have it. it's just the five of us."

"no. we'll get our own room. i don't want to put y'all out. you guy's paid for them beds. i don't want to mess up anything"

"Nicki, it's fine they've all slept on the floor at Janay and my house. it's nothing. plus we'll be spending time with you, it doesn't matter" Nicki looked around at the girls who were all nodding and agreeing. Nicki felt uncomfortable putting the girls out like that but they insisted. Nicki agreed but told them she would still book her room so she can change in the morning, They made small talk until they realized they were they only ones in the restaurant.

"okay barbz, i'm going home to get a change of clothes for tomorrow and meet you back at the hotel. Ebony give me your number and i'll call you when we're on our way there" Ebony put her number in Nickis phone. they all hugged each other and parted ways. Nicki picked up hers and the barbz tab and paid with out them knowing.

"WAIT!" Nicki turned around

"don't pack any blonde or pink wigs. if you're coming to the hotel THOSE would be a dead give away. and you Safaree, NO SB chain or all that icy wrist shit. ONE chain ONE wrist piece. GOT IT!" They laughed and agreed.

They girls sat at the table a little while longer and spazzed. they agreed to not tweet anything, but to just live in the moment. the girls walked out side to find a cab back to the hotel. ten minutes later they piled into a cab and headed to the hotel. just then their phones went off, they seen it was a tweet from Nicki

@NICKIMINAJ: a lady never tells! *rolls eyes ratchet like* ;)
as the girls were spazzing trying to respond their phones vibrated again from Safaree's tweet

@SCAFFBEEZY: i'm invisible :(
 the girls laughed at safaree's tweet and sent a mass tweet

@iBodyyBitches: RT @NICKIMINAJ: Safaree SIT! RT @SCAFFBEEZY: i'm invisible :(

@MINAJvsTheWorld:  RT @NICKIMINAJ: Safaree SIT! RT @SCAFFBEEZY: i'm invisible :(

@sexyshybarbie:  RT @NICKIMINAJ: Safaree SIT! RT @SCAFFBEEZY: i'm invisible :(

@HB_ILY:  RT @NICKIMINAJ: Safaree SIT! RT @SCAFFBEEZY: i'm invisible :(

@DeeTheeNinja:  RT @NICKIMINAJ: Safaree SIT! RT @SCAFFBEEZY: i'm invisible :(

the TL went crazy thinking it was an "Onikafaree" insider. the girls were laughing hysterically. They were laughing so hard they didn't realize  they were at their destination. the girls took the elevators up to their suite. as they walked in the room Ebony's phone rang out with an un familiar number.

"who is this?"

"is that how your mother taught you how to answer your phone Ebony" catching on to the voice Ebony switched her tude up

"i'm sorry, how can i help you Onika"

"oh, so i'm Onika now? wait, till i get there, imma punch you right in ya face" Ebony laughed

"what should i pack for tomorrow?"

"dress down clothes. something cute and low key. NO HEELS! i know you own sneakers so pack them"

"ahviite, see you in a bit" with that they hung up and the girls squealed with excitement.

"what should we do tonight" Ronella said sitting on Ebony's lap

"we should have a movie night" Talisa said getting bright eyed like it was the plan of a century.

"yeaaaa" Dee said agreeing with Talisa

"let's go to a target and rack up on Movies & junk food" Ebony said while googling a near by target. she found a target less them fifth-teen minutes away by car. Ebony sent Nicki a text.

Ebony to Buttercup:

"running to Target for a couple of things. we'll be RIGHT back. we're leaving a key at the desk under the name Lloyd. let SAFAREE get it, we can't risk this! lol."

"okay we're still getting our selves together. i have to make sure my schedule is clear before we leave. i'l call you when we're on our way. xoxo -HB ;)" and with that they were off to target

...... to be continued.

okay, it's one more chapter of this. SO with that being said. WHERE do you think the story should head. i don't update that much because i don't know which direction to take this in. COMMENT & let me know. i'll take suggestions into consideration. P.S send iBodyyBitches a happy birthday tomorrow on twitter. THANKS & COMMENT! :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Chapter 5


okay you guys, i will try to post a little more often. Enjoy. i don't know (lol) read & enjoy i suppose. Don't forget to comment! muah! Xoxo :)

Safaree was watching Nicki as she finished up her phone interview with Tyra. The interview had been going on for about 5 minutes. Safaree was still a little sleepy so he stepped off to go lay down. Safaree walked into his bathroom to brush his teeth. After that was finished Safaree turned on the "oldies but goodies" music only channel & got comfortable. "Our Love" by Natalie Cole rang threw the room & Safaree began to drift off. Safaree was almost sleep until he felt the bed shifted & heard an all too familiar voice. Nicki started to pull the blanket down to the beat of the song while singing ...

"bring it down ..... just a little" Nicki smiled while singing.

"love is soft, love is sweet, love is nice love is gentle" Nicki turned him over while straddling him.

"love is joy, love is pain
love is laughing in the rain" they intertwined fingers.

"i've got love on my mind .. love is always right on time! love is you ... love is me" Nicki continued singing while giving Safaree butterfly kisses. Safaree rolled Nicki over pinning her to the bed. Nicki was still singing swaying her head side-to-side. Safaree just stared at her. Nicki didn't realize he was staring until the song went off & she realized they were locked in an intense stare. Nicki blinked & Safaree kept staring.
Safaree was the only person who could stare at Nicki & not have her feel self conscious. She blushed and smiled a little. Safaree kissed her on the forehead and then made a trail of kisses down her jawline.

"Nick" Safaree said in-between kisses

"yes, Faree?" Nicki said in-between pants"

"i'm hungry" Nicki's eyes bucked open & she smacked Safaree up-side the head.

"what a way to ruin the mood cock!"

Safaree fell over in laughter which made Nicki laugh too.

"you mad?" Safaree said poking out his bottom lip & poking Nicki in her side.

"NO .... JERK" Nicki said punching Safaree

"oh, you're getting violent" Safaree smushed Nicki & she fell back on the bed. Nicki bounced up & lunged towards Safaree who was now standing at the end of the bed. Safaree caught her in his arms and turned her to where her back was in his chest. He begin to spin her in circles as she squealed like a school girl.



"Fareeeee NOW!"

"you are not the boss"

Safaree stoped spinning & held her as she squirmed & wiggled trying to get out if his bear hug.

"Let me go you bafoon"

Safaree dropped her on the bed and began to walk away. As he turned around Nicki took a flying leap of faith on to his back and wrapped her legs around him forming a tight grip.


"BOW DOWN or feel the wrath of Queen Nicki!"

Nicki began shaking causing Safaree to loose his footing & fall onto the bed.


Nicki started growling like a lion causing Safaree to laugh"

"how you trying to growl but wound up sounding like a kitten? Safaree said whike doing his loud obnoxious laugh. Nicki felt played. She grabbed the nearest pillow & swatted him in the face.

"who you calling a kitten?!" she continued to hit him with the pillow. Safaree continued laughing.

"YOU! cubNIKA!!" Safaree laughed uncontrollably. Nicki sat on the opposite side of the bed & faked pouted.

-_- "oh, so you mad? That's why you mad .. that's why you, why you mad MAD!" Safaree couldn't help himself. He was laughing so hard his stomach was started to hurt.

"i have to tweet this" Safaree grabbed his phone and began typing.

@SCAFFBEEZY: So Nicki just tried to roar like a lion and sounded more like a kitten! Lmao00ooo000 #WutTip?

The TL went crazy!

@NICKIMINAJ: Barbz somebody is being mean!! ATTACK! ;)

@SCAFFBEEZY RT @NICKIMINAJ: Barbz somebody is being mean!! ATTACK! ;) < @ me or dap me!

They watched their timeline go crazy. Safaree was laughing at how TM was trying to play him and how others were talking about "tea."

@NICKIMINAJ: there y'all go being GH's *rolls eyes ratchet like* #datcldGetUpopped!

Nicki and Safaree continued to lurk on their TL a little while longer until Nicki's stomach started talking to her.

"Faree i'm hungry"

"what you want to eat? You want to order or you gon cook?"

"i don't feel like cooking. Let's order in"

"we always ordering lets go have dinner"

"i don't feel like getting dressed Nick."

"we don't have to go anywhere fancy, lets go to Ruby Tuesday or Fridays! mmmmm Friday's wings are gooood"

"i want Ruby Tuesdays"

"okay" Nicki said hopping up to go get ready in her room. Safaree was looking for something to wear. He didn't want to do too much since they were going to a public place. He decided on some dark blue jeans, a white T, a red chicago bulls fitted and his red&white "retro 13 Jordan's". Once he decided on what to wear he showered and got dressed. Safaree was finish dressing and walk to check on Nicki. He knew she would try to be extra so he went in to help her tone it down.

Nicki had on a matching bra & panty set & her long black wig. She heard Her door open and seen Safaree appear. They both were staring at each other intensely.

"can you take that wig off? You kno Team Minaj will spot that wig & spazz."

"what you want me to wear"

"your's. Wear it down it's in that wrap thing right" Nicki chuckled at Safaree's "wrap thing" comment.

"a wet set" Nicki took her wig off and sat on the bed.

"find me something to wear because i know you won't like what i picked. Safaree walked into Nicki's closet and searched for "normal" clothes. He set his eyes on a peach victoria secret sweat suit. He handed it over to Nicki and sat down. Nicki stared at him.


"i need a t-shirt and shoes" Safaree walked in her closet & found her uggz.

"what color T you want?"

"it doesn't matter, it's just an under shirt. Oh & some socks too." Nicki started getting dressed.

"Faree can you get my purple comb off the sink, i need to comb my hair down" Safaree walked in the bathroom to retrieve what she asked for.

"you want any earrings?"

"yea the diamond heart shapes studs. "
Safaree walked over to Nicki's jewelry box and grabbed the earrings. Safaree watched Nicki do her hair & apply lipgloss. Safaree loved when she wore no make up. Her natural beauty is what he loved the most.

"Ready!" Nicki practically yelled

"okay, don't call the driver, we're taking the Range"

Safaree put "Ruby Tuesdays" in to the GPS and drove off. Nicki & Safaree made small talk & arrived at their destination 20minutes later. The place was a little empty. Safaree let Nicki off at the door and told her to go reserve them a table while he parked.

"don't go drawing attention to yourself Nicki. Get us a table and stand to the side."

"okay darling" Nicki said in her all too familiar british voice

"none of that either" Nicki nodded and walked to the entrance of the restaurant. Safaree found a parking spot not too far from the door & walked in. He found Nicki standing against a wall all into her phone. He walked up behind her & wrapped his arms around her. Nicki was about to turn around until his Gucci cologne filled her nose


"that's us babe" Nicki grabbed Safaree's hand as she followed the waiter. They were seated in a non smoking section upon Nicki's request slightly to the back. It was mostly couples so chances if being bothered where slim to none.

"Hi i'm Skylar and i'll be your waitress for the evening, can i start with your drinks?" Skylar was 5'6, carmel complexion, chinky eyes with shoulder length hair. Nicki thought she was part chinese because of how little her eyes were

"Hi Skylar" Nicki said a little too happy "i'll have a mango margarita"

"uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lemme get a uhhh Corona, with a lime"

Skylar: "okay would you like to order an appetizer or go straight to your meal?"

"could you bring our drinks out first then by the time you come back we'll have decided on what appetizer Chinky Sky" Nicki said looking over her menu at Skylar.

"Is it okay if i call you that?"

"yea sure, it's kind if cute" Skylar smiled then walked away to get their drinks.

"what are you getting"

"i don't know, probably the shrimp pasta salad. How bout you?"

Safaree didn't speak because he was too busy looking around for the noise he kept hearing.

"Safaree what do you keep looking around for?"

"you don't hear that?"


"listen" Nicki put down her menu and strained to hear what ever Safaree was so hung up on. Nicki's eyes bucked

"it can't be" Nicki said in a hushed tone as a slight smile crept across her face

Safaree said as he smiled a big dumb smile. Skylar set their drinks down and Safaree pointed to the shrimp fondu and hot wings and mouthed "appetizer" to her, she nodded her head and went to place the order.

"Let's go see where it's coming from" Safaree said grabbing Nicki's wrist. Before they could away Skylar walked over.

"are you ready to order your meal"

"we're going to wash our hands" Nicki lied. "don't let anybody steal our table we'll be right back Chinky Sky" with that they sped off. As they got closer so did the noise. They slowed down their walking pace and peaked around the corner. They spotted where the noise was coming from and it suddenly got quiet. They felt they were being watched. Nicki's eyes bucked wide open & her jaw dropped .........

-to be continued-

:) what did you think? COMMENT!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Chapter 4

alright the abuse, cut it out! lol this isn't too long either. I'm just fixing them so you guys will stop being mean to me! Lol enjoy & deal :)

They both stared at each other not speaking. Safaree moved his face releasing Nicki's grip she had on his chin. Nicki leaned over looking him in his eyes.

"Faree, why are you being so mean to me?" Safaree didn't speak. He just stared at her.

"Safaree can you please talk to me"

"what am i suppose to say Nic"

"i don't know but you're being really mean, I said i was sorry" Safaree wasn't really mad at her. He was just frustrated.

"you're always sorry, & i always forgive you. Do you even understand WHY i'm upset?" Nicki nodded her head yes.

"then tell me Nicki, why am i upset?"

"you're upset because of how i act with Drake"


"i don't know Safaree i honestly didn't mean to hurt you, i would never intentionally hurt you"

"Nicki i know you're an entertainer, but all i ask is that you show a little respect, i know you would never mean to hurt me" Nicki smiled and kissed him on his chin.

"i just get a little carried away when i'm on stage. Maybe it's the crowd or the stage, i don't know. It's like i become someone else"

"that's cool but why is it only with him, i don't see you get that way with anybody else"

"i don't know Faree. I guess it's because i see him as a brother i'm more comfortable. I know that there's nothing between us so i get extra. I love the way the crowd reacts when i get "extra." Safaree just sat in silence while she continued to ramble. He forgot where he was for a second until Nic said his name.

"Safaree .... Faree"

"huh, yea"

"where did you go when you left?"

"no where, i parked at the end of the block ..... you kept calling so i drove to the park and went for a walk" he continued to tell her what happened until he felt Nicki shift.

Nicki layed down on his chest & unconsciously drew hearts on it. Safaree shifted to get more comfortable and begin to play in Nicki's hair. They sat in silence for about ten minutes until Nicki broke the silence.

"if you want me to stay away from Drake i will. I don't want him to come between us"

"you don't have to do that, just be more mindful Stinka-Butt" Nicki smiled in to Safaree's chest. She loved when he called her that

"ok .... Poo-Butt" Safaree let out a slight chuckle and kissed Nicki on her forehead.

"how long where you here before i came in"

"not that long ... wait, why were you about to sleep in my bed?"

Nicki blushed. She didn't know how to tell Safaree that she couldn't sleep with out him. She looked up at him and kissed his nose. Safaree stared at her & Nicki became shy. How could she tell him she was sleeping in his bed because she needed him, that his scent was so intoxicating it made her feel safe. Nicki sat up straddling him. She kissed down his jaw line and then his lips. Safaree was confused but he wouldn't dare say anything. He rubbed her face with the back if his hand causing Nicki to smile big. He traced her deep dimples with his thumb and planted a kiss right above it.

"i love you Safaree"

"not as much as i love you Onika"

They intertwined their hands and Safaree planted kisses on the back of hers.

Safaree: "ever thine"

Nicki: "ever mine"

Safaree: "ever ours"

It's short ... yea i know! if you play nice i might post tonight. ;)


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Chapter 3:

i know i haven't posted in FOREVER but i decided you guy's have waited long enough. It's not that long ... not much going on sooooo enjoy & comment!

Safaree pulled off leaving Nicki standing in the garage door. He pulled over at the end of the block and placed his head on the steering wheel. He didn't want to leave Nicki, but he knew if he would've gave in to her she would never see the errors of her ways. "Beauty" rang out from his phone. He knew it was Nicki. He stared at the picture on the screen of Nicki sleeping on his lap. he took that picture with out her knowing in the back of the car after an event they had a while back. Nicki hated that picture. The phone stopped ringing & Safaree rested his head back on the steering wheel. Safaree had been parked oh the corner for about 15 minutes and Nicki had already called 5 times. Safaree needed to clear his mind so he decided to drive to the park and go for a walk.

-during his walk-
Safaree had been walking for 10 minutes lost in his thoughts when "Count It Up" interrupted his thoughts. It was Martin.
Safaree *thinks* if i don't answer i know this coon is going to keep calling ..... "hello" Safaree stated in an aggravated tone
"i forgot to tell Nicki she had a phone interview with Tyra on the "The Tyra Show" tomorrow at 1pm. She's not answering the phone.
*this nigga forever forgetting shit* aite Martin.
*i don't feel like going back into this house, that defeats the whole purpose of me leaving, FUCK!* Safaree hopped back in the car and headed home. Safaree pulled in the garage, got out and walked into the house. He didn't feel like dealing with Nicki so he decided to sleep in his own room tonight. Safaree undressed and got in to the shower. Once Safaree finished showering be lotioned up & put on his stewie boxers & tank top. Safaree was tired so he got in the bed and dozed off quickly.

-into the night-
Safaree heard his door open and close he paid it no mind. Suddenly the bed shifted and the covers were snatched off his body. *what the fuck?!* Safaree thought. He got up and flicked on his lamp. Nicki jumped up with Safaree's blanket wrapped around her.
"what the hell Nicki, what are you doing in here"

"when did you get back Faree?" Safaree just turned his lamp back off and laid down. Nicki walked to his side of the bed, turned the light back on & kneeled in front of him. "i'm trying to sleep, turn the light back off" Safaree said with out opening his eyes. Nicki got sad and turned his light off. She began walking to the door but stopped in her tracks. She didn't like this feeling and she was ready to work things out. She walked back over to the bed and laid down. She put her leg on his, he scooted away from her.
"Faree ... please"

"i think you should sleep in your room tonight"

"Faree, please"

"Nicki i just wanna sleep, not right now"

"Faree please don't do this, just talk to me"

"No" Nicki began to cry. Safaree didn't care he was still a bit upset and didn't want to talk. Nicki turned Safaree on his back and straddled him. Safaree put his hands behind his head and faced the wall. Nicki grabbed Safaree's chin & made him face her .......


COMMENT! you no comment, me no write!